You're lucky I'm drunk...
But hey, maybe I've drunk a bit to many "Duvels", but I still remember this movie!!! didn't you post it a while ago???
Still, I voted 5 then, so I'm voting 5 now... Go to the hell with the world!!! Fuck them all!!! Daaaaamn, I've had enough beer for today....
No, the music was great!!
But last time you didn't tell us, who it was from.... Now I know...
Or, correction, I know it for a few minutes... In a couple of houres I'll wake up in my own vommit... A nice thought....
pfffffffff, please kill me... I just told one of my best friends that I've never kissed her!!!! One problem: she's got a boyfriend!!! ;-)
Man, help!!! I'm drunk, and i'm surfing on NG!!!! fiiieeeww.... A man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do!!!!
And in a couple of minutes I'm gonna tell you my life-story...
Or no, I'm nog gonna put you trough that!!!
I'm leaving now!
it's 5.50 in the morning....
sleep tight!!!